Crib Party at 3 a.m. AKA Split Nights

Crib Party at 3 a.m. AKA Split Nights

We all wake up several times a night as we transition through sleep cycles. But sometimes our little ones wake up in the middle of the night and are really up…sometimes for hours. This isn’t the typical middle of the night “go in and comfort or feed baby for ten minutes and then he goes back to sleep” wakeup. This is a full-blown 3:00 a.m. party. These wakes up are often referred to as split nights, and are characterized by a long stretch of sleep, followed by a waking of more than an hour where baby is happy and energetic, and then eventually back to sleep again. Let’s take a quick look at why this happens and what the solutions are.

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Developmental milestones & sleep disruptions

Developmental milestones & sleep disruptions

When learning to roll over, crawl, or talk, babies can’t help but want to practice it until they master it. Even when they wake up in the middle of the night, that excitement and urge to practice is going to make it a little more difficult for them to get back to sleep. So how should you navigate sleep while your baby is going through these developmental milestones?

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Teach your toddler to stay in their room all night

Teach your toddler to stay in their room all night

A toddler leaving their bedroom may sound harmless, but if it happens often enough, it can be every bit as hard on parents and children as constant night waking. And toddlers can be incredibly persistent when they’re trying to get their way. So, how do we get a toddler to stay in their room without letting the situation escalate?

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Is Melatonin Safe for Kids?

Is Melatonin Safe for Kids?

When I was a kid, my grandfather had a book called, “The Doctors Book of Home Remedies.” I would go to visit and he would tell me all about the latest home remedies he had tried. Even as a child, I have to admit, I was intrigued. Try rubbing aspiring on a bee sting. Quiet a colicky baby by running the vacuum cleaner. Swallow a teaspoon of sugar to cure your hiccups. I’m not sure what it is that I found so fascinating about curing ailments with common objects they had lying around the house, but obviously I wasn’t the only one. So, what about Melatonin as natural way of helping your little one get to sleep?

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Is your baby hungry at night or just lacking independent sleep skills?

Is your baby hungry at night or just lacking independent sleep skills?

If your baby is waking seven or eight times a night and insisting that you come in and rock her back to sleep, it can have a serious impact on everybody’s sleep. A lot of babies have developed a dependency on nursing, rocking, sucking, and so on, to get to sleep, and it’s not something they can overcome in 15 or 20 minutes. Solving that issue takes some real work and a firm commitment from you.

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My 5 tips to help your little one sleep well during summer vacation

My 5 tips to help your little one sleep well during summer vacation

Summer is here and that means vacation time for many families. And while summer vacation is a welcome break for everyone in the family, sometimes it can throw off your family’s sleep schedule.

When planning your trip, consider how your travel plans may impact your child’s sleep routine. Remember that everyone will have a much more enjoyable vacation if you organize your trip in a way that allows for as little disruption as possible to your little one’s sleep schedule.

Here are some tips to help ensure sure your child gets the sleep they need during your travels:

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