Why Is My Baby Having False Starts?

Why Is My Baby Having False Starts?

Many of us have been there…you finally get your baby down for the night after a long day and settle in for some “me time” when bam, they’re awake again 30 minutes later. This is what we refer to a “false start” in the sleep world. False starts can happen for a variety of reasons so let’s look at a few common culprits.

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How to ditch the pacifier

How to ditch the pacifier

Pacifiers can become a problem when it comes to sleep. If baby’s accustomed to falling asleep with a pacifier in, they almost always end up waking up in the night after it’s fallen out, and they kick up a fuss until mom gets up, finds it, and pops it back in their mouth. Find out when and how to ditch the pacifier for better sleep.

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Sleep and the transition to daycare

Sleep and the transition to daycare

The transition to daycare can be tough on everyone – you’re leaving your baby for the first time and trusting them in someone else’s hands for the day. It’s a huge adjustment and if you’ve worked hard to establish your baby’s independent sleep skills, you’re probably a little extra anxious about how they will sleep outside their own sleep environment.

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Developmental milestones & sleep disruptions

Developmental milestones & sleep disruptions

When learning to roll over, crawl, or talk, babies can’t help but want to practice it until they master it. Even when they wake up in the middle of the night, that excitement and urge to practice is going to make it a little more difficult for them to get back to sleep. So how should you navigate sleep while your baby is going through these developmental milestones?

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Snoring, mouth-breathing and sleep: when to see your doctor

Snoring, mouth-breathing and sleep: when to see your doctor

I used to think that snoring babies were absolutely adorable. As a mother, the sight of your baby sleeping means they’re relaxed, feeling safe, and content with everything around them. I used to think a little snore seemed harmless and cute. Unfortunately, that sense of peace I used to get at the sound of a snoring baby turned out to be misconstrued.

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Is your baby hungry at night or just lacking independent sleep skills?

Is your baby hungry at night or just lacking independent sleep skills?

If your baby is waking seven or eight times a night and insisting that you come in and rock her back to sleep, it can have a serious impact on everybody’s sleep. A lot of babies have developed a dependency on nursing, rocking, sucking, and so on, to get to sleep, and it’s not something they can overcome in 15 or 20 minutes. Solving that issue takes some real work and a firm commitment from you.

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Attachment Parenting and Sleep Training - Can they co-exist?

Attachment Parenting and Sleep Training - Can they co-exist?

There's a commonly held belief among the devotees of attachment parenting that sleep training isn't compatible with their parenting style. That's not surprising, since one of the founders of the attachment parenting movement, Dr. Bill Sears, amended the core principles of his system to include "Beware of baby trainers." But having worked with parents who subscribe to this approach, I have found that there's plenty of room for compromise. You can stick to every fundamental rule of the attachment parenting model and still teach your baby the skills they need to sleep through the night. You can even "beware" of baby sleep coaches, but by the time you finish this blog post, I'm confident that you'll find us to be a caring, helpful lot, who only want to help you and your little one get the sleep you need.

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